United Lutheran Parish
Arendahl Lutheran | Grace Lutheran | North Prairie Lutheran | Pilot Mound Lutheran
"A faith family of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America"
United Lutheran Parish Reports
About us
July 2003
Arendahl, Grace, North Prairie and Pilot Mound have decided to merge into one unit called United Lutheran Church. Communities need not fear that their local church might close. Although they are joining together, each church will still remain open.
This isn’t exactly a new and hasty idea. The congregations have been working on uniting for the past two years. The churches are small and by coming together they hope to provide more opportunities for their parishioners. Sunday school events as well as separate Bible studies for men and women are just a few of the functions they plan to organize.
When it comes to making decisions for United Lutheran, each congregation votes on proposed ideas. Three delegates from each church meet to discuss the ideas. If questions arise, the matter is brought back to each church council and then voted on.
"Everything has to pass each church," states parishioner and former county commissioner Don Boyum.
The Southeast District is very excited about the union because it’s the first in the area to try this approach. Other churches are observing to see how it will work out for the "Four Point" church. Instead of closing churches and asking congregations to go to one church, this provides a convenient and cost effective way to keep all churches open for worship. Some may be skeptical, but everything seems to be working out for the better. "It’s been really going good," comments Boyum.
The installation will occur at North Prairie Church, July 20th at 1:30 p.m.
Bishop Harold Usgaard will be officiating at the installation.
The Four Point parish choir will also perform.
Lunch will be served by the Four Point WELCA following the installation.
Dragvold, Janette. "Four area churches merge into United Lutheran Church." Fillmore County Journal 11 July 2003