United Lutheran Parish
Arendahl Lutheran | Grace Lutheran | North Prairie Lutheran | Pilot Mound Lutheran
"A faith family of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America"
United Lutheran Parish Reports
Pilot Mound - 2024 Church Boards
Church Council
President: Sonia McCabe
Vice President: Tom Haugstad
Secretary: Jill Peterson
Treasure: Annie Hongerholt
Financial Secretary: Norine Minter
Deacons: Troy Danielson
Tom Haugstad
Trustees: Dave McCabe
Steve Erickson
Bob Peterson
Board of Education: Doris Horsman
Linda Danielson
Sunday School Superintendent:
Norine Minter
Assistant S.S. Superintendent:
Nadine Merkel
S.S Secretary/Treasure:
Jessica Thompson
Nominating Committee:
Linda Danielson
Dave McCabe
Auditing Committee:
Eric Thompson
Luke McCabe
Chad Erickson
Family League:
Opie & Norine Minter
Mike & Cherie Stevens
Kevin Weatherly & Kery Erickson
Head Usher: Bob Peterson
Steve Erickson
4 point Parish Council: Sonia McCabe
Steve Erickson
Deb Haugstad
Alternate: Linda Danielson
WELCA Officers
President: Deb Erickson
Vice President: Cheri Stevens
Secretary: Sonia McCabe
Treasure: Doris Horsman
Funeral Commitee: Doris Horsman and Deb Erickson
Cemetery Board
President-Steve Erickson
Vice-president-Bob Peterson
Secretary-Deb Erickson
Treasurer-Doris Horsman